Changes Log

The changes log page on provides a concise summary of recent updates and modifications made to the website.


  • New - Success feeding filter has been added to commerce > pricing related tables.


  • Fixed - "Total Egg Weight" not carrying over to Reproduction/Incubator record (12866)


  • Fixed - Sorting Issue by Date of Birth on pricing list
  • Fixed - custom genetics not display properly on export breeding plan pdf


  • Fixed - 0 (zero) Follicle size not display on breeding plan


  • Fixed - 404 Error on Invoice System after saved (#12858)


  • fixed - find the animal by qr scan button make working on pair record activity


  • Fixed - Search under incubation stuck (#12849)


  • Fixed - make default follicle list filter with active animal


  • Fixed - animals > follicle size not showing the 0 follicle size


  • New - improve import genetics to reptile scan import


  • New - added total egg weight input for create a incubation from the breeding record


  • New - Added a secure way to connect with a Square account for invoice payments.
  • Fixed - new label designer QR code forground color not functional (#12832)


  • New - added an option to show/hide follicle size on breeding plan list and export.


  • Fixed - Image on incubation label not printing for new label designer.


  • Fixed - The female weight should not be printed in the breeding report export the settings for weight are turned off.


  • New - Bulk edit option for Grid, Designer and Condensed view in animal list.


  • Fixed - discount price option not functional in new label designer


  • Fixed - reproduction activity sold animal not able to search.
  • Fixed - lineage sire and dam photo not display


  • Fixed - commerce pricing page show in store sort column not working


  • New - Added more options for setup store checkout
  • New - Setup the store checkout (store setting page) to make buy now button visible
  • New - Added Free Pickup, Flat Rate Shipping, Additional Shipping Options


  • Fixed - buy now button disappeared from market page.


  • fixed - Label Designer appears to be offline


  • fixed - activities color not works in animal view page.
  • fixed - rack view bulk activities order.
  • New - new label designer added switch for show the discount price


  • Fixed - nfc tag not found issue public url is on.
  • New - specify activity color tag from settings > activities


  • Fixed - Spyderweb monitoring isn't working


  • New - added GBP currency for invoice.


  • New - Added GBP currency for invoice payment.
  • Fixed - Storefront - Load More btn not visible properly.


  • New - added modal view for record quick activity in breeding plan view.


  • New - set style for pdf reports


  • Fixed - Weight chart not functioning


  • Fixed - auto-pattern number not works for sub-users
  • Fixed - subscription page broken
  • New - added allow multiple species option in add/edit breeding plan


  • New - added sorting species option for Grid, Designer and Condensed view in animal list


  • Fixed - new label designer incubation qrcode not works (#12744)
  • Fixed - removed date from feed item on pdf report.


  • Fixed - Payment Plan info was deleted sometime after adding customer/get info (#12735)
  • New - Added dropdown for choose the pairing animal on quick activity pairing.


  • Fixed - instruction video size issue


  • New - added payment method and transaction id information in invoice payment pdf
  • New - added option showing discount price in label designer


  • Fixed - User can select all status animal for sire and dam


  • Fixed - some settings affected on new label designer that generate blank pdf.


  • Fixed - Store animal page display duplicate genetics


  • New - added female follicle size and weight in export breeding report
  • New - added invoice payment gateway settings
  • New - added Buy Now option in store market


  • New - added pricing format option in general setting


  • Fixed - Reorder Menu Settings


  • New - added days column in incubation panel in dashboard page


  • Fixed - Scanner redirect to public url instead of record action


  • New - added event check in/out features
  • New - user can print QR code only in dymo label print


  • Fixed - stuck in app while click on photo.


  • Fixed - follicle size does not reset when create a reproduction activity from incubation.
  • New - Added print label option in incubation list


  • Fixed - trouble in edit contacts and show inactive
  • New - added weight column in quick feeder update under the feeders.
  • Fixed - search results sometimes change in animal table search


  • New - added setting for display sire and dam photo on public animal view page
  • New - added column animal solds to contact list


  • Fixed - morph market export incorrect photo url value


  • Fixed - Breeding plan export showing the hide animal


  • New - added maturity field in create neonate page.
  • New - Auto Id Adjust switch will remember the last choice.


  • New - added maturity option in bulk edit features


  • New - added store preview link on commerce -> store page


  • Fixed - customer get info feature not working on existing customer.
  • Fixed - blank label issue in new label designer
  • Fixed - zoom feature for mobile in new label designer
  • New - add animal photo option in new label designer


  • Fixed - Photo view broken on list and animal view.


  • New - added photo activity as quick actions.
  • Fixed - animals documents are mess up on animal view.
  • New - added header content for tab in label designer
  • Fixed - showing Print Test button in preview tab only
  • New - added Print and Save & Print buttons at top in preview tab
  • Fixed - Select all and Bulk Edit buttons on animal list always showing


  • New added feeder group option for quick actions


  • Fixed - sold animal pdf reports only showing 10 entries in chart and export pdf


  • Fixed - Breeding menu item not saving for some users


  • New - added count unit as weight record action


  • Fixed the missing Name on linktree


  • New - added supplier in fields for new label designer


  • New - added label gap options in label designer


  • New - allow to select custom animal type in genetic calculator
  • Fixed - reloading issue in selecting animal type in genetic calculator


  • Fixed - dashboard quick button settings not saving


  • Fixed - infosheet not showing default picture of sire and dam from lineage


  • Fixed - genetics calculator taking too much time to load and force app to close.


  • Fixed - store layout improved and fixed animal images not display.


  • New - added popup modal for record bulk weight in rack view


  • Fixed - 2d handheld barcode scanner not scan properly for ios users,


  • New - added setting to change colors of the Designer View for the Animal List


  • NEW - added filters (weight, location, sex, follicle, pairing, copulations) on breeding plan
  • NEW - added button for copy breeding plan in list page.


  • New - add currency symbol with sale price in label designer
  • Fixed - zero sale price will not print in label designer
  • New - add "Current Weight" option in cloning animal
  • Fixed - activity and icon selection in quick activities setting


  • Fixed - export data not working


  • New - reproduction added "Unknown" male item that can be change later.


  • New - added live chat support feature


  • Fixed - brumation activity automatic turn off and on feeding notification. (#12516)
  • Fixed - add row-column with location fields in new label designer
  • Fixed - sex icon type issue for stored label in new label designer


  • Fixed - Breeding Plan Printout not consistent, display name if id not exits, add genetics column, fixed spacing.


  • New - allow () bracket for animal id and name
  • New - added water change and clean activity for info sheet template
  • New - added status column in custom export animals


  • Fixed - commerce pricing page show in store switch not working (#12511)
  • Fixed - tooltip issue on delete saved filter on animal list(#12510)
  • New - All new price list template system


  • New - added sex icon color, type option in label designer
  • New - added custom text option in label designer
  • New - added QR code color option in label designer
  • New - added font type selection option in label designer


  • Fixed - maturity filter in the Animal list does not reflect after updating settings (#12507)


  • Fixed - quick feeding update not reflect the feeding notification (#12504)
  • Fixed - some activity not showing in breeding plan (#12505)


  • Fixed - Show in store feature not working commerce pricing
  • Fixed - dashboard lock panel setting move to dashboard setting modal from general setting


  • Fixed - scientific name not display in animal list for animal type column


  • New - added a negative search feature in animal list
  • New - Pricing tiers are now available


  • Fixed - animal transfer out email template bug
  • New - weight field added on add animal tab


  • Added - Ability to customize additional buttons on the feedings due page using the GEAR icon


  • New - Added button to Manage Animal Sale Details from animal edit page


  • Fixed - breeding plans video not working
  • Added - On (Feeding due - feeder needed) click on feeder to get the animals list.


  • - fixed pricing list column glitch on tablet device(#12466)
  • - improve animal list descriptor search on advance filter. (#12469)


  • Fixed - authenticator android and ios icon glitch


  • Fixed - Quick Activity - Select All Animals is not functional on same cases
  • New - Added an advanced filter on Morph Market Export


  • Added setting (General Setting > Use Light Icon?) to use light color sex icon for dark background for new label designer


  • Fixed - HP stores search not working
  • Fixed - Birthing records showing on stores when public toggle is off


  • New Feature - added table setting icon button to adjust the column visibility and order for animal and commerce pricing page

IOS Updates

  • Setting for statusbar issue in IOS. Visit General Settings (Disabled Floating Status Bar)


  • New - added settings for choose csv delimiter for import and export


  • Fixed - Weight and feeding Chart not display data properly.


  • Fixed - moving animals between racks not updating the position (#12421)


  • Fixed - sort issue on share pricelist export


  • Fixed - Store Search not working store name (#12412)
  • Fixed - Default Feeder Weight is not reflecting Default Quantity Field(#12415)


  • Fixed - The "Continue" button for Dymo label printing was not clickable in certain cases.(#12402)
  • Fixed - The same package was not visible after being cancelled and upgraded to a new package.(#12401)


  • Fixed - Incubator sort by "days in" doesn't work(#12398)


  • Fixed - App notification show html content

App Update

  • Android v1.1.5 available for beta user


  • Fixed - Unable to rename clutch data
  • Fixed - Sub user unable to some data in view breeding plan
  • New - added advanced filter on commerce pricing


  • Fixed - Acquired Date Error not allowed date before 2010 (#12380)


  • Fixed - date format `d M, Y` not working for past year dates
  • New - added user directory feature
  • New - added messaging system


  • Fixed - Storefront not updating photos (#12368)


  • Fixed - Groups Double and Triple adding animals (#12371)


  • Fixed - Improved search in animal list (#12369)
  • Fixed - Calendar date ahead (#12370)


  • Fixed hatch date countdown to be off by one day.(#12362)


  • Added ability to update the location from quick animal edit mode.


  • New - added success feeding filter option in animal list


  • New - added custom field support in custom import animals


  • Fixed - Animal Info Sheets activity notes not appear on pdf


  • Update - added feeder name and size in feeding notification message
  • New - quick edit mode live in animal view. double click to edit any field.


  • Fixed - while assign location for incubation large rack not scroll on mobile
  • Fixed - public animal page diet name only display if feeding notification are on


  • New - Added new label designer option


  • New - Change start of the week day from general settings has been live
  • New - Added an option to manage photos when adding an animal.
  • New - Added animal selection option in add/edit to-do task


  • New - birthing record in store has been live


  • Fixed - morphmarket export send an email instead of file downloading
  • New - incubator add capability to asc and desc field laid date, hatch date and total eggs


  • Fixed - cancel membership not working
  • Fixed - Custom Status Notes Not Saving
  • New - Added ability to update last sequence num. in auto id settings


  • Fixed - DOB Not working as it should within Reports (#12308)


  • fixed hatch date issue while add incubation


  • New - inline editing on animal view page open for beta users
  • Fixed - sold & archived animal not display in breeding plan


  • New - allow % in animal name and id
  • Fixed - Lineage photos not saving


  • Fixed - Date Format Incorrect within Quick Action (#12250)


  • Fixed - Moving animals in Rack view not saved
  • Fixed - Improved the global search function


  • Fixed - removed the rack view bad link from sidebar


  • Fixed - rescue subscription have missing Herp.Social Connect menu item


  • New menu system has been live


  • Fixed - updated the date format according date settings on date picker across various pages, including the record action, single quick activity popup, bulk quick activity popup, edit animal browse activity, and edit/add animal.


  • Fixed - Sale Price not showing on the print cage card


  • Fixed - Feeding not updating notifications(#12203)
  • Fixed - Punctuation in animal name breaks each browse view(#12213)


  • Fixed - location not display in view animal when assign group to rack(#12122)


  • Fixed - many users having issue related reset notification date.


  • Fixed - delete quick filter not delete the tooltip (#12195)


  • Fixed - grid view load more issue(#12187)
  • Fixed - Dymo Labels Not Altering(#12169)


  • Herp.Social integration is now complete. Send for sale animals directly to the Herp.Social Marketplace


  • Fixed - several users having an issue with commerce menu.


  • Fixed - custom status not display in animal list filter(#12165)


  • Fixed - display custom fields that assign to animal type in animal view page(#12156)
  • New - Business Management > Inventory > Item Stock Log live


  • Fixed - sold & archived count in total active animal that result error in adding new animal (#12150)
  • New - added sold & archived status in bulk actions dropdown on animal list
  • New - Ability to change order of action buttons on animal view page


  • New - Animal view page fields order dynamically arrange from page setting
  • New - To-do list now has some filter options
  • New - Improved mobile view for animal list page


  • New - Ability to hide individual animals from the public breeding plan display option


  • Added push notifications to 3rd Party data imports


  • Fixed - Bulk feeding not working on same cases(#12149)


  • Fixed - incubator public view clutch size not showing according the settings (#12137)
  • Fixed - custom animals import stuck (#12135)


  • fixed - error message not display while importing animal template (#12005)
  • fixed - column ordering not working in mobile contacts table(#12113)


  • New - Users can now display specific breeding plans publicly via a shared link, or on their public store/user pages.


  • fixed public store animal preview image not display(#12103)
  • fixed mark animal not fed as refused option not working in rack view(#12089)


  • New - Ability to put QR codes on the right side of label added


  • New - To-Do system is now live with push notifications and user assignment
  • New - To-Do system Dashboard Panel live
  • New - NOK currency added for display


  • New - When a user changes the default feeder from edit animal, it will not reset due dates of feeding.
  • New - Users can now assign an Auto-ID format for each species in Animal Settings
  • New - Users can now set upload default Icon to use as an animal image placeholder per species
  • New - Users can now create custom contact types for contact system Users can now assign multiple contact types to each contact


  • fixed - price showing 4 decimal places in change price record activity
  • fixed - quick action refused food not resetting feed date
  • new - Users can now filter female animals not in breeding plan by Follicle Size in addition to Weight on the breeding plan.


  • New - You can now set het indicators to show before gene name in Settings -> General Settings
  • Fixed - Label Printing saved presents not preserved fields sort order
  • New - Toggle slide animals is now available on all rack view pages


  • Fixed - Dymo Label not display animal type value according the general settings (#12074)
  • Fixed - Dymo Label Printing Disabled tag alphabetically sort should be enabled default (#12073)
  • New - Sales by Customer Report added to the PDF reports section
  • New - added ability to change Bulk Status of animal from list page


  • New - added button for select all animals while bulk edit


  • Fixed - error on setup the store animals(#12061)


  • Fixed - Feedings Due today animals popup not showing selected animal(#12058)
  • New - Incubation page settings now allow you to show VIABLE (default) or TOTAL egg as egg count on public incubator items
  • New - In General Settings you can now change the sex icons to sex letter display M/F/U
  • New - Added Genetics column to Browse Activity table


  • fixed - added missing filter into quick activites(#12052)
  • fixed - added missing filters on reports(#12049)


  • Fixed - pricing table sorting order not working(#12051)


  • New - improved animal table search when type genetics name eg. Banana Piebald


  • fixed - print cage cards link not working in mobile app(#12038)
  • fixed - animal csv report display html in feed item column(#12043)
  • fixed - view eyes button not working in some dashboard panels(#12042)
  • fixed - improved pairing reminder notification tooltip for sire and dam label(#12040)


  • New - added customers menu under commerce menu


  • New - Vitamin & Supplement PDF report available
  • New - You can select group in add/edit cage


  • Fixed - Refused Food Module showing Sold and Archived animals.(#12033)


  • New - added an option to setting for disable quick preview list in quick actions page (#12022)


  • New - Added maturity column in animal list table. its enable from table settings.
  • Fixed - Quick Activities Feeding decrements double(#12019)


  • New - added acquired date column to reports
  • Fixed - orientation of QR code fixed
  • New - New Sire/Dam display for birthing records
  • New - You can now upload an image to the lineage in animals
  • New - Quick Activities selected animals show in area above list


  • New - added ability to bulk delete and edit browse activity


  • New - Inventory item report now available in PDF reports
  • New - Photos and Notes can now be added to each individual multi-activity post
  • New - Animals selected as fed on Quick Activities can now be marked Refused during the same post
  • New - Extensive updates to the
  • New - Users can now submit photos to for genetic results
  • New - Show applied filters in Quick Activities


  • New - added capability to remember the sort order in condensed view
  • Fix - Sorting of location fixed on animal view


  • Fixed - feeder quantity not updating after feeding (#11989)(#11929)


  • Fixed - Condensed Grid View duplicate item


  • Fixed - display incorrect company name on store page
  • New - added push notification option for animal reminder
  • New - added Condensed Grid View on animal list


  • Breeding Plan Report updated - available on breeding plan page


  • New - Added button to suggestion board to show your submitted suggestions.


  • New - Users can now display genes of animals within the breeding plan. Settings are in the on-page gear settings menu


  • New - Set animation for egg icon in incubator page


  • New - added ability to added note activity from view notes popup


  • Fixed - Feeder Supplier shown as ID# only, no name(#11960)


  • Fixed - System error when take out animal from brumate(#11956)
  • Fixed - Deleting label presets is not actually deleting them(#11958)


  • Fixed - morphmarket is for sale and sale price not working (#11901)
  • New - added an ability to remove applied filter on animal list view
  • New - added ability to refused the rest of rack in rack view


  • When marking animals in and out of brumation, you can now record the weight


  • Multi-Feed activity allows you to add multiple feeder items to one action


  • New - new animal status sold & archived added.
  • New - added default feeder selection in quick activities refused action
  • New - added field Incubation Temperature on new incubation creation


  • Fixed - quantity not updated after feeding (#11929)
  • New - added feed weight field to quick activities also add ability to edit weight from browse activity


  • Fixed - Reset feeding date on default feeder update


  • New - allowed decimals in measurements settings placed in general settings page
  • Fixed - Show store option not working in commerce pricing page
  • New - added location column into quick activities page
  • Fixed - Breeding plan export csv issue
  • New - added an option to export black & white breeding plan PDF


  • New - Added partner user can view referred users list


  • New - Added Sale Price field to designer sheet label and Last Weight to dymo label printing


  • When converting to neonates from eggs, multiple copies of the same gene are no longer shown on neonate template


  • Fixed - Sire and Dam Photos not showing on information sheet(#11907)
  • Fixed - updated respective animal id when update id from animal itself(#11878)


  • New - Added a button in breeding view page for list animal not in breeding plan
  • Fixed - color option not saved in designer sheet label

App Update

  • Android v1.1.1 has been released. - Fixed email issue in pdf template, performance improvement.
  • Integrated genetics calculators into breeding plans


  • Added genetic calculator link to "Cube" menu at top


  • Fixed - Refused food reduce inventory twice issue (#11892)


  • Fixed - grid view load more button not clickable in mobile
  • Fixed - breeding csv report not contain male animal information,


  • Fixed - animal grid view more issue
  • Fixed - CSV breeding reports not working
  • New - Added feed qty column in export animal data


  • New - added feature Dashboard Buttons it configure from settings > panel settings


  • Birthing records now show current year, ASC by hatch date
  • Changed "Breeding Record" to "Birthing Record" site wide

App Update

  • Android v1.1 has been released. - Includes Biometric Login, NFC Capabilities, Back Button fix and a host of other small updates.


  • Updated recessive het tags to allow for 50% and 66%


  • Sex column added to the table in Commerce Store


  • Fixed - sorting issue animal list on commerce store page


  • Fixed - dropdown issue in quick activity modal


  • Fixed - issue with store missing the animals


  • Fixed - Initial screen will hide the inactive and archive animals in grid view animals


  • New - added a new tab breeding data into animal view page


  • New - added a settings Animal Type Display in general setting to change the value of animal type in list column


  • New - Add Waitlist option under Commerce menu


  • New - Set Creating Breeding and View Breeding option in incubation page


  • New - added quick activity button on animal list and animal view page, to use click on magic wand icon button in actions column.


  • Fixed - QR activity specific not returning to QR page


  • New - Set add/edit record option in Incubator Waitlist


  • New - added breeding plan animals report
  • New - added quick posting of activities to animals via the animal list page


  • New - added filter Animal Currently Brumating in animal list page
  • New - added breeding plan panel into the dashboard its enable from the panel settings


  • Fixed - white screen issue in menu settings page (#11829)


  • New - added tile view in incubation page


  • New - add community forum feature


  • Last activity is now selected as default when doing any bulk or quick activities


  • New - added a counter tag of number of male link with female in breeding plan view


  • There is now a "Bulk Mode" switch that clears individual buttons for easier viewing on the quick activities page


  • Added switch for "Show in store" on pricing page to easily update animal


  • New - added a new option to set default feeder in quick bulk activities


  • New - Species specific hatch date in record activity and incubation


  • New - Added Animal weight report option in PDF report page.


  • Fixed - Strange formatting on the quick feeding update page (#11788)
  • New - Added an option to disabled tag alphabetically sort in dymo label fields (#11789)


  • Fixed - refused feeding reset animal interval days
  • New - added counter on quick activity of selection with clear button
  • New - Genetics are now color coded to industry standards


  • New - Adding levels to racks from edit rack screen
  • New - Send animal info to customers through the commerce system


  • Fixed - view rack bulk action order work according activity setting order


  • New - Incubation allow to add photos


  • New - added Sort Oder Column in Cage List


  • New - Feeder Quantity Quick Update edit icon in feeder list


  • Fixed - custom fields not display in animal list page.
  • New - added an option to limit activities list for public qr detais in general settings.
  • Users can now use archived Sire's in clutch data
  • Added additional panels to dashboard - check Settings -> Panel Settings


  • New - single record activity allow to add reference photo
  • Fixed - morph market menu not visible for collector package


  • New - Dashboard panels can lock from settings > general settings


  • New - added animal types panels on dashboard and its enable from panel settings


  • Fixed - sex symbol in Dymo Label 30374 - 2
  • Added - added breeding plan menu in bottom bar settings
  • New - prev and next animal only navigate active animals
  • Lineage tab now auto-populates from animal data if those fields are left blank, and there is data to support the update


  • Fixed - manual clutch entry not convert egg to animal (ref #11730)
  • Fixed - sub user having an issue with animal transfer in (ref #11734)


  • New - added a tooltip on id and name on commerce pricing page


  • New: added defecate in quick activity dropdown
  • Fixed: remove duplicate water changes activity from quick activity dropdown


  • New: added Source filter in animal list page
  • Fixed: DOB sorting not working properly
  • New: added urate in quick activity dropdown


  • Fixed - Panel sort order (General Settings) not working in ios or android device.


  • New - added QTY in feeding due reports


  • New - added dropdown for default calendar view in dashboard calendar panel.


  • New - added sold price column into reports
  • Fixed - animal view notifications panel will display all notifications


  • Fixed - animal search bar keep the value after logged out or move screen. ref #11724
  • New - added sold date to reports ref #11719
  • Fixed - Fixed notification reminder for sub users. ref #11722


  • Fixed - Ticket #11707 Unable change animal status to sold


  • New - added a button to download the QR code for store page


  • New - Add suggestion board option to give and view suggestion


  • New - Added new report sold animals
  • New - Added new report Offspring
  • New - add button in Incubation page to add clutch information


  • New - Supplements / medication information added on reports and where display activities.


  • Fixed - improved morphmarket export format
  • Fixed - delete clutch data will remove the hatch reminder
  • Fixed - allow parent user activities in quick action activity dropdown
  • Fixed - added refuse button in today feeding due


  • New - MorphMarket Export new CSV template is available


  • Fixed - allow user to the upgrade the same package after expire the current package.


  • Fixed - animal feeding due - feeder needed report sort column not reflect on PDF version


  • Fixed - future feeding table column est date and last fed date issue
  • Fixed - feeder sort issue in future feeding table


  • New - added toggle column function for every table in animal feeding due
  • New - Feeding Due tables toggle column function help to print only visible columns


  • Fixed - Missing some genetics on animal list page by searching by genetic name.


  • New - added sort capability to Location column in animal list


  • Fixed - feeder update issue receive contact administrator error


  • New - added rack_row and rack_column in custom import and export
  • Fixed - Customer name not display in invoice
  • Fixed - Invoice pdf has not reflect changes after update invoice


  • New - added due amount column in invoice list


  • New - inventory feature for business management
  • New - user can update stock
  • New - user can print inventory item label with QR code


  • New - Added capabilities to customize the Quick Activities actions buttons


  • User can use sold and archived animal as a sire and dam


  • New - Added Medication/Supplement activities its manage from Activity Settings


  • Fixed - Weight showing 0 in last activity and browse activity
  • Fixed - Selection of sire not on breeding plan when posting activity now correctly uses that selected male
  • Update - Users can now change how weight is displayed. You can turn on
  • Update - Invoices now show balance due when payments are applied


  • Fixed - font size not working in dymo printer label


  • Fixed - Sire and Dam genetic missing from cage card print


  • New - added a is featured option in animal edit screen


  • Fixed - animal group name not showing on browse rack page.


  • New - last fed column added to feeding due location list.
  • New - added a weight in tooltip box of rack animal.


  • Users can now print a paid invoice from their subscription payment history page.


  • fixed - calendar redirect to url instead of display edit popup


  • fixed - quick activities last fed didn't reset on delete activity
  • fixed - breeding plan activities sort order


  • Fixed animal grid view pagination bug
  • Added select and unselect button in label designer sheet


  • iOS users can now download v1.0.7 to enable push notifications from their profile page
  • New: Added Weight field in Sheet Label Designer
  • Fixed: Sorting order remember on animal grid view
  • Fixed: Default feeder item toggle not working in record activity
  • New: Added acquired sire genetics and acquired dam genetics in export report

Grouped Feeders

  • Users can now create grouped, or nested feeder lists to apply during activities

Additional Emails for Store

  • Users can now use different email addresses for their public store pages

Notify on Activity Event

  • In your edit animal screen, you can now have an email sent to notify when an activity happens


  • Users can now scan the paired animal to select it during a pairing/copulation activitying operat

Back to top button

  • You can now turn on a "Back to top" floating button in your general settings page

Email Log

  • You can now find an email log under Utilities. This will show "Delivered" when the Email transport shows successfully delivered into users mailbox.

Quick Activities Weight

  • You can now adjust weights quickly using quick activities for multiple animals

Quick Activities Mutliple Activities

  • You can now post multiple bulk activities using the quick activities system

Feeding Duration Update

  • You can now adjust feeding notifications on the feedings due page using the feedings button

For Sale Animals Reverted

  • When you mark an animal SOLD, Archived or Inactive, the system now removes the "For Sale" status of the animal.

2D Scanner Selection

  • We have made it so the system can have separate scanner selection based on DESKTOP or APP - you can have 2D Scanner for desktop, and then internal for App (or vice versa). Settings are under Scanner Settings

Filters for Follicles

  • Follicle list can now be filtered with our standard filtering model

Enhanced QR Codes

  • Enhanced QR Code system was added. Visit our Facebook or YouTube page to see the update video!


  • Users can now add an animal that is already in their collection to the breeding loading notification system
  • Weight filters are now working correctly

Grid View

  • Grid view is now available on the animal list table


  • Multiple small Ease of Use improvements
  • Follicles sizes now allow for decimal places - setting must be enabled on general settings page


  • Report system now allows for turning on/off report columns
  • Sire and Dam on incubation listings how show detailed information on hover on desktop
  • Browse activity table now has the option to turn on Animal Type in the table settings menu item


  • Several mino rbug fixes implemented
  • Quantities now adjust for feeder inventory on edit and delete activity


  • Rolled out extensive updates to the documents, tooltips and knowledgebase


  • Remove Animal from rack is now functioning on complex racks


  • There is now a button to easily remove an animal from a rack, and mark the bin Empty


  • Hypo added to Ball Python genetics


  • On quick activity feeding, users can now update default feeder item
  • Filter searching now updated to account for complex data assignments
  • Margins on some laser printing scenarios fixed
  • Error when taking an animal out of brumation fixed
  • System now records the value of the feeder item if costs are associated with the feeder in order to facilitate more complex business analytics at a later date


  • Updated multiple areas to show full DOB
  • Nothing to Print error fixed for some users experiencing this print issue


  • Notifications now apply to all accounts within accounts that have multiple users with respect to animals


  • When using genetics filter, results now show all genetics for that animal in the table
  • Feedings due list, now has a quick button to post the default feeding to that animal


  • Added language suggestion tools


  • Weight charts for previous periods now showing accurately
  • When adding a custom field, tables no longer revert to default setup
  • Transferred animals now properly get removed from rack
  • Custom animal fields are now account specific, and not just user specific
  • Stores can now have separate email address distinct form your account email address
  • Pairing activity in some cases added a duplicate animal entry to the breeding plans
  • 404 Error when printing some dymo labels now fixed
  • Incubation entries now properly archive when after conversion to animals


  • Users can now filter/search the animal list by their custom data fields


  • Users can now use advanced filtering to filter price list creation
  • Genetics added to advanced filtering for animal list
  • Measurement added as a default activity that records weight and length


  • Quick Activities page can now be customized under table settings
  • Password reset request limits now allow for one request every 30 min


  • Weight is now a viable display option for price list generation
  • Custom animal fields are now active. Set them up under Settings -> Custom Animal Fields
  • Updated complex rack button sizes
  • Added last fed in quick activity page
  • Users can now apply additional activities to animals in brumation


  • Ability to hide animals on breeding plans


  • Added ability to use Google Authenticator on your account. Set up in your profile page.


  • Users can now push the clutch data from the incubation screens to notes on the Sire or Dam


  • Breeding plans now print using the print page dialogue
  • Breeding plans now filter based on breeding plan animal type when adding animals


  • When cloning an animal, you are now able to select the ID for Dam/Sire that the clone was copied from
  • Queue scanning is now available


  • Feeder sort number now applies to print list
  • 1 day feeder reminder should now work


  • Weights can now be added when creating neonates from clutches/births
  • Weight tyes can now be selected in animal edit/add
  • Users can now designate an animal as proven breeder even if not for sale


  • Users can now list up to 200 animals on the animal list table at one time
  • When an animal is sold/archived or made inactive, it is automatically removed from the store listing
  • Multiple changes/updates to the today feeding page


  • Users can turn on/off the decimal places on weights through the general settings
  • Stores now only show for users that have active subscriptions
  • When editing recurring events, end date is now repopulated properly
  • If an animal has a past feeeding due, and the animal is put into brumation, feedings due are now removed.


  • Archived animal state now correctly shows sold data if present
  • Complex racks now appear in the same colour as normal racks in the rack browse
  • You can now create recurring events on the calendar
  • Pairing reminders now only show one time for each pair


  • Users can now set rack view to align to bottom, so racks do not appear to be floating at ceiling. Turn on feature in General Settings
  • Bulk rack feeding, you can now select a feeder to override the default feeder. Turn on feature in general settings to use.


  • You can now create and save
  • You can now use decimal places in the weights
  • Drag animal now works in complex racks
  • Users can now choose to display the female's current weight on breeding plan. This can be turned on in your general settings.
  • Fixed issue where non active animals were showing on active animals list


  • Feedings due printable list, now has a pick list for total items needed
  • Low feeder notificaitons now active in system
  • Feeding interval column added to the animal list. This must be turned on in table settings to be active


  • fixed error where sex icon was not showing on laser sheet labels
  • added prev/next button added to edit screens
  • updated breeder loan system for notifications


  • Updated laser label system to properly display sex icon


  • There is now a General Setting that allows users to change the way an activity is recorded. Users can set the system to allow additional activity recordings after posting one, OR leave it as is where after recording an activity the system returns to the previous page or scanner.
  • ID Of mate now shows on activities for pairings and copulations


  • You can now set a pairing reminder, when creating a pairing activity


  • Added status filter to quick activities
  • Animals now link from quick activities
  • Invoice emailing issue now fixed


  • Added validation on purchase price
  • On hold and Sold anaimals now still have notifications updated - users should make animals that have left their care Inactive or Archived
  • Added link to animal in activity list
  • Added Sire and Dam genetics as an option for cage cards


  • Custom sheet label designer now has the ability to pad the contents to leave wider margins inside the label
  • Custom label sheet designer now has the ability to choose text colour


  • Users can now define a custom label size in the dymo label system which is also suitable for any thermal print option


  • Females now have start dates for activities to display on each breeding plan, to alleviate data from previous plans populating the current plan


  • You can now download the Sensorpush and SpyderWeb data for archive purposes
  • Spiderweb data can now be selected for a date range


  • Users can now view animal's complete record after scanning
  • Error fixed where some boxes in a rack weren't clickable in some instances


  • Indonesian, Spanish and German languages have been added to the system

Major Update

  • You can now select FRENCH language using your profile photo on top right. Other languages are being added.


  • Overlapping sort buttons fixed on feedings due page
  • View rack button from panel now directs properly
  • Last weight in column display now reflects properly
  • You can now send price lists to up to 3 recipients at a time
  • Added aquired date in cage cards


  • Users can now save a PDF version of their breeding plan
  • Updates to the neonate creation system affects feeding notifications now
  • Users can now email price lists from the system


  • Sold animals now stay active until archived.


  • New animals and changes to existing notifications now update immediately for new notification system


  • Clutch card can now display sire/dam genetics and descriptor
  • Drop down menus now sort alphabetically if sort order is not set properly
  • Users can now email pricelist directly from the system to an email address


  • User can now edit clutch card information sheet data prior to printing.


  • Updated menu for some users missing some new feature links


  • Ability to set C/F for sensorpush data in general settings
  • Added additional data to today's feeding panel


  • Lineage system has been implemented, and can be found on the animal view page
  • New import/Export system has been launched, which allows csv data import using our custom templates


  • Old abandoned tickets that have not been replied to have been closed. Please re-open ticket if you need a reply. Suggestions have been logged, and will be implemeted when the appropriae time comes.


  • Clutch Card Designer now active


  • Added the ability to hide panels on the animal view page. Settings -> Panel Settings to use this feature


  • Reports system updated with numerous changes
  • Added Feeder Type for Cage Card options
  • Added option for Vertical view in rack browse page


  • Fixed issue where activity was showing multiple times after scanning QR code
  • Added additional filters to quick activities
  • Added ability to track payment plans on invoicing sytstem


  • Location feed printout was showing incorrect feeding data - now fixed
  • Info sheet designer link not showing for some users - now fixed


  • Added New Laser Label Designer system
  • Fixed error where Reproduction and Incubation dates differed for some users


  • Follicle sizes now display on breeding plan
  • For today's feedings, you can now print a list of animals that need to be fed, by locaiton
  • Weight charts now have a custom date range picker
  • Fixed error when trying to mark an animal as sold


  • Added rack, cage and group reminders. You can now set reminder notifications for tasks related to these items by using the clock icon on the view page for each rack/cage/group
  • Fixed sorting issue on incubation panel
  • Added a Refused Feed panel for dashboard that can be turned on in panel settings
  • Animals can now be marked as SOLD, with accompanying information added


  • Menu reset notice added so you can reset custom menus if you have them set
  • Search/Filter on animal list now ignores genetics of Dam and Sire


  • You can now add Thumbnail images to your animal list table by turning it on in Table Settings


  • Fixed issue where group QR codes were not properly parsing results
  • Fixed date sort issue on the future feedings table


  • Fixed bug that prevented invoice creation when no tax was added
  • Fixed orientation issue with invoice logo
  • Added ability to direclty input name on invoice
  • Added additional error reporting on invoice

Major Update

  • Invoicing system installed under Commerce -> Invoicing


  • Users now have a General Setting that allows them to default wether a feeder is removed from inventory on refused feeding. This is alsu toggleable when an activity is posted.
  • Follicle size is now reset to 0 on both ovulation and reproduction activities
  • Sensorpush notificaitons updated per sensor, for high and low temp alerts via SMS and Email


  • Added Sensorpush SMS and Email notifications for temperature deviation


  • Ability to add reminder to animal from the Drawer icon on the animal list.


  • Update to skip bulk feeding code to fix error with reset of feeding dates
  • Updates to sensorpush chart data
  • Bulk delete animal from profile action added
  • Button label now changes when MORE dropdown is selected to another activity


  • Updated PDF library to fix some MAC printing issues
  • Updated Sensorpush to display less datapoints on larger samples of data


  • Archived animals now automatically removed from notifications
  • Archived animals now automatically remove from racks/cages/groups
  • Weights now appear properly on animal list
  • Sex icon now displaying properly on some labels when they were being cut off previously
  • Website contact info updated to display properly
  • Fixed archived animals displaying as Active when actually archived


  • Wrapped Text Issue when designing Cage Card Size fixed
  • Error fixed when uploading image to server on some accounts
  • Sensorpush Data update fixed


  • Feedings due list populates correctly now


  • New notification system installed. Activate under profile
  • New notifications allow for day of week feeding intervals

Weekly Updates

  • Ability to make clutch inactive
  • Changed the way Sensorpush data is stored
  • Fixed bug where sensorpush data didn't continue to gather for some users
  • Fixed error where quick activities wass showing custom activities from archive data


  • Updated supplier required fields to allow for just less items needed to save


  • Fixed localization for SensorPush data
  • Added additional Dymo label size
  • Fixed error where male was not showing up in breeding plan

Major Update

  • SensorPush data feeds have been added for Breeder and above accounts


  • Fixed about 15 minor bugs, and UI issues reported
  • SensorPush data feeds have been added for Breeder and above accounts


  • Fix for some data not showing when multiple SpiderWeb units are present
  • Added Incubation panel to dashboard - turn on under Panel Settings


  • Fixed issue where sex always appeared on cage cards
  • Added multiple users to test environment for notifications

Major Updates

  • Animal transfer feature that allows sending animal data to another HP user is complete and active
  • Final testing on Calendar/Notification changes implemented. Should be live early next week


  • Animal Groups are now active. You can create groups of animals to applyh bulk actions to, even if they are assigned to racks or cages!


  • Weight chart rounding for low gram weight animals fixed
  • Top notifications now updating properly for feedings
  • Fixed mobile view for feedings due table
  • Added location to info on info tab in breeding plan
  • Users can no longer convert a clutch with 0 viable eggs


  • Rack designer now allows for complex racks


  • User can now filter activities on activity tab of animal
  • When creating a Reptoduction activity, the system now defaults to the first male in the breeding plan
  • Breeding plan can now filter for female also to narrow down
  • Added additional information button to the female in the breeding plan to show follicle size etc.


  • Fixed custom genetics issue when doing RS import
  • Added ability to add a weight recording when doing a follicle size recording


  • Added 2D QR/Barcode Scanning support for PC and Laptops - Turn on via Scanner Settings
  • Fixed MorphMarket export when 1 animal only is available
  • Inactive/Archived animals removed from panel lists
  • Fixed issue with Animal Info Sheet activity order
  • Fixed bug where our protection systems didn't allow some CSV file uploads for the Reptile Scan import process


  • Fixed PDF button overlap with pagination on mobile for feedings due tables
  • Added Bulk Skip feeding on rack/cage operations
  • Added additional information options to contacts
  • Fixed error where clutch cards were not printing
  • Fixed bug where skip feeding wasn't resetting feeding due date


  • Archived animals no longer show up in some of the lists they previously had.
  • Link added to view animal from the browse activity page
  • Updated view on mobile to show males in breeding plan properly


  • Multiple updates to quick activity system
  • Changes to subscription system, to allow for easier updates/changes
  • Animal ID and Name now linking to view animal page in many instances


  • Fixed issue where PDF price list generation gave error


  • Fixed bug where genes were being displayed more than once on the animal table


  • You can now easily add a follicle measurement from the "Animal Follicles" page.
  • Users can now turn on "Latin Name" column in animal list, and sort by that.


  • Cage list background added
  • Animals in cage list can now be turned on/off for bulk actions
  • Animal list ID and Name now link to the view animal page


  • Bug fixed where removing animal from a cage did not work properlyu
  • Minor improvements to cage system


  • Added Zipcode/Postal code to payment system to increase bank rejection
  • Made "Action" column on tables on by default, and disabled ability to turn off
  • You can now add a note to the pairings in your breeding plan


  • Add Genetics column to animal list. It is defaulted to OFF, and needs to be turned on in table settings to see it.


  • Dashboard cage/rack panel now correctly links to cage when listed
  • When adding new animal types, default ACTIVE is now set
  • Animal list DOB sort fixed


  • Fixed error where Feeding button was unavailable for an animal that was marked as Refused Food


  • Store details for animal now shows last recorded weight
  • Skip feeding activity now acts the same as refused, and gives option to reset feeding date
  • When clicking menu from being on Other Activities popup, fixed overlay issue
  • Updated date translation in all places that show activities to make them display the same
  • Long animal names are now shortened on mobile select on breeding page
  • Phase 1 of Quick Activities added to the system to allow posting common activities quickly

Major Update

  • New print engine installed that works with iOS and Android Apps
  • Updates to Android and iOS apps available now
  • Printing from iOS and Android apps of labels and info sheets now available


  • Animals are now removed from rack/cage when archiving
  • Some fields like notes removed from Animal Info template creation due to incompatibility
  • Users now have the ability to add multiple breeding plans per year/species
  • Dymo label 30374, 2050812 and Brother DK1208 have been added to the system


  • User can now set an activity of Edit Animal which opens the animals edit screen
  • Sorting of animals with unorthadox alpha plus numeric ID's corrected
  • Cage bulk action activity error fixed
  • Confirmation added to button to switch state of breeding plan


  • Photo activity added so you can upload photos through an activity operation
  • Change Price activity added so you can change pricing of an animal through an activity operation
  • Bug fixed: Calendar notification removed when turning notifications off for an animal
  • Skip Feeding activity added to the system to allow for skipping a scheduled feeding

Major Update

  • Import from animal, weights and feedind data from Reptile Scan


  • Animal info sheet now showing correct data in Species field
  • Animal type order now spans accross animal groups, and not just within groups
  • Delete button moved away from Save button on animal edit page
  • Text now saves colour state on store Policy section
  • Skip Feeding added as a activity


  • Select/Deselect all now available on rack view page
  • When viewing or editing animal from list page, system automatically returns to proper page after completion of task


  • Floating Quick Scan button is now present on all pages. You can disable this function by the setting in Settings -> Scanner Settings
  • Updates to rack system logic needed to implement complex racks complete
  • Ability to post an activity on the female from the breeding plan
  • Users can now mark a breeding plan inactive from the breeding plan list


  • Updated multiple search fields to change the way it pulls data to allow for full name selection


  • Ability to post Clean & Water activities added to Brumation state
  • If a Breeder/Commercial plan does not have access to their mobile phone for 2FA they can not simply reset password and it will turn off 2FA
  • Ability to mark an animal "Archived" will make animal permanently non-editable, and you cannot interract with it. It will stay viawable in historical items. This animal will NOT count towards your totals.


  • 2FA updated to allow for international numbers
  • Additional status for animals called Archive, which puts animals in a archived state that does not count towards totals, but also leaves historical info viewable


  • Updated mobile number system to allow international calling - please verify your number in profile if you ever plan to use SMS notificaitons
  • When user trial expires, system now still allows viewing all data
  • iOS app update is live. Allows for screen rotation


  • Info sheet updated to correctly pull Scientific name
  • Female weight added to reproduction activity
  • Egg weight added to reproduction activity
  • Self Produced added to Supplier box when viewing table if animal is not acquired
  • User can now add Tags to labels

App Update

  • Android version of app has been updated to support screen rotation.
  • Android update also doesn't exit app when using back button on device now
  • iOS update is awaiting approval from Apple and will be available soon


  • Added 2 additional label sizes to Dymo print System
  • Updated system notice panel
  • Fixed data in the animal for sale panel on dashboard

Major Update

  • Dymo label system launched. Check notice on dashboard panel


  • All Animals is now the default filter for animal list. Changing the filter, will now stay that way until changed again.
  • Bulk refused now takes into account the scanner setting "Reset Refuses"
  • Animals are now removed from cage/rack when made inactive or deleted.
  • Dashboard panels


  • When recording a copulation or pairing operation, system will default the male to the data in your breeding plan
  • Cancel button now being displayed properly on Mobile device
  • When viewing animal, Acquired data now displays properly
  • Users now have the ability to feed multiple prey items at once


  • Ability to change date format, system wide.
  • New settings page added, called General Settings


  • Fixed error where NO selection didn't register on creating neonates from reproduction activity
  • Updated last fed chart to show proper order


  • Removed ability for user to turn off events column in animal list
  • Added feeder size to activity list in animal view
  • Added ability to insert currency symbol on price list creation
  • Added panel in feedings page to show last feeding date of all animals
  • User can now record a n activity for the female from the breeding plan page


  • Pricing limit removed. You can now set items with unlimited digits (to support foreign currencies)
  • Removed .00 from weights where it appeared in some places
  • Store now available on Collector account
  • Added State to profile
  • Added ability to make report "Animal not assigned to rack/cage"


  • Fixed error where users were unable to assign certain animals to racks
  • Updated store animal selection methods
  • Share links updated for sub users accounts


  • Search box fixed when adding females to breeding plan
  • Rack QR code on rack list now generating properly
  • Bulk action freeze issue resolved for some users
  • Updated clutch conversion where user no longer needs at least 1 feeder in the system
  • Expanding of dashboard panels now shows extra data
  • Ability to remove submenu items from the menu added
  • Searching the animal list now searches the animals genetics also
  • When converting clutch to neonates, default genetics now combines Sire and Dam genetics as default filled
  • Updated margins and layout for Avery 5160 Label


  • Added device selection to ticket creation
  • Added dynamic search for reproduction sire activity
  • Added default ID for subsequent neonate additions when converting clutch to animals
  • Added ADD ANIMAL button to top of animal list form
  • Fixed error where activities were sorting by day/month only and not year also
  • Fixed conversion of clutch to neonates when no feeders were set in system


  • Spiderweb display order updates
  • Fixed date format issue for Follicle charts
  • Case sensitivity search fixed on breeding plan
  • Description for GBP pricing updated


  • Added GBP as a payment method and price display method
  • Updated the search method for selecting animals in the breeding plan to facilitate large collections
  • Added genetics to store front listings


  • Charting added to follicle system to show graphical representation of growth
  • Animal Feed Item and Last Weight added to animal list - these are optional columns that need to be tuned on in table settings
  • Bug where racks would show white background on white text on safari fixed
  • Rack browse and view now scroll sideways on mobile devices to accommodate multiple sizes
  • Bug where tags were not being added to animals when added at initial setup fixed
  • Ovulations are now displayed on breeding plan


  • Bug fixed on mobile rack view where you were unable to deselect animals on some mobile phones
  • Animals can now be set to status - On Hold - with notes section and ability to select customer
  • Pizza ordered for lunch to congratulate dev's on a great week of work
  • White on white lettering on rack view fixed [Safari Fix next week]
  • Expiry date calculation fixed
  • Fix for duplicate breeding actions showing on breeding plan
  • Weights graph now correctly shows date of weighing, instead of date of entry
  • Animal list can now be filtered for Active, Inactive and On-Hold statuses


  • Panel order for dashboard can now be changed on mobile devices
  • You can now view animal from Rack view
  • You can now post activities for individual animals from rack view


  • Register page now lists package options in modal
  • Users now receive an email notification when support tickets are updated
  • System updated to allow support ticket usage when account is expired or locked

Server Upgrade

  • Server upgrade completed to handle estimated long term capacity


  • Added ability to record follicle sizes as an activity
  • Follicle listing will be available when at least one animal has active follicles
  • Upon recording of Ovulation or Reproduction, follicle will be set to 0 for animal and taken off follicle development list


  • Added instant search feature in animals list filter
  • Added feeder type filter animal list
  • Added feeding notification filter animal list

Major Update

  • Additional users now have a full permission system that you can restrict access


  • When recording a feeding activity, you can now have the default feeder item updated automatically when feeding a new item


  • Clutch conversion feature updates allow for less keystrokes to create new animals


  • You can now set the system to reset feeding date, when recording a refused feeding activity. Default settings for this are found under Scanner Settings

Fixes for today

  • DAM Id now properly populates when clutches converted to animals
  • Added fix for animal location errors when posting bulk activities


  • Bulk cage feeding is now available when you Browse cages
  • You can now create a QR code only to use in other design systems for cages when listing the cage
  • You can now create a QR code only to use in other design systems for racks when listing the racks
  • Various small changes to accommodate iOS app launch

Bug Fix

  • Updated the record action to facilitate cage posting


  • You can now print an animal info sheet from the view animal page. The animal page designer currently has 2 templates, but we will be adding more in the coming weeks. Please open any tickets if the design function/usage seems off.


  • Last fed and Next fed added to animal details tab when feeding notifications and schedule is active.
  • OTP Number cleaning functions updated. Please update your phone number for OTP to work if it contains a 1
  • Label 5160 modifications to starting position fixed

Feature Addition

  • Tag system added. When adding/editing an animal, you can add tags for that animal to be used as a filter/search in other areas of the platform. Manage the tags under Utilities.

Daily Updates

  • Companion App Reelase - Android version now available on Google Play Store
  • In addition to terminating account, users can now also purge all animal related data and create a clean setup with only profile and subscription info remaining


  • Activities on animal view now have pagination


  • Activity layout updated for mobile devices


  • You can now scan the QR code of a paired animal to select it during activities that have a second animal required (reproduction, pairing, copulations)


  • Added custom report generator under Utilities menu item


  • Weight no longer a required field on feeder items
  • Sort order added to racks and cages


  • Bulk note added to rack activity options
  • Added ability to use site scanners when viewing site through Mobile App
  • Updated Scanner Settings selection under Settings menu item

App Beta Release

  • v1.0 of Husbandry.Pro app (Android format) available to users for testing
  • App allows direct use of cloud version
  • App benefits from internal QR scan engine


  • Added name column to Browse Activities
  • Added browse activities to table settings to allow customization
  • Added Copy button to URL for store to easily share URL
  • Ability to edit Activities from the animal view page
  • Cage system updated for activity posting

Minor & Major Update

  • Added Scanner Settings page under Settings
  • Added an additional scanner engine that allows for Flash to be used
  • Added ability to enable Sound when scan is done
  • Updated store to allow Email OR Phone from contact - both no longer required
  • Added NAME field to breeding plan page
  • Internal changes complete for Companion App


  • Added additional bulk rack operations
  • Fixed Crested Gecko incorrect Live Bearing designation
  • Added ability to terminate own account
  • Users can now color code rack bins based on sex. To turn on feature and set colours, go to General Settings
  • Pre-Lay shed is now displayed on Breeding Plan for females
  • Regurgitate Food added as an activity

Get in touch
