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Mystic Pastel Sandblast 50% Het Pied

Ball Python

DOB: 16 Jul, 2024
Diet: ASF [Hopper]
Last Weight: 220gm
Location: Farmersville, TX
Price: $150
ID#: 0223_05_7/24
Genetics: Sandblast Mystic Pastel Piebald [50% het]
Sire Info

Id: 0364

Descriptor: Pewter Sandblast Het Piebald - PROVEN Urban Camo Maker

Cinnamon Pastel Sandblast Piebald [het]

Dam Info

Id: 0223

Descriptor: Barnhart BP Mystic Leo

Black Pastel Leopard Mystic

  Inquire about this animal
Store Policy

All Shipments Shipped VIA Redline barring pickup or arrangements made prior to purchase.
By making a purchase, you are accepting these terms.
We guarantee live arrival of your reptiles unless the shipment is delayed or mishandled by the shipper. We are not responsible for carrier delays.
Unless otherwise stated and agreed upon in advance (and in writing), we guarantee that all captive bred animals are healthy (to the best of our knowledge) and feeding at the time of sale.
For door-to-door shipments you must be available to sign for the animal at the time of delivery. We do not guarantee live arrival for animals left by a door. We do not guarantee live arrival if there is a failed delivery attempt. All shipments must be opened and inspected immediately upon arrival. We will not ship to a P.O. Box.
We generally do not ship animals when the temperature is under 32° or over 90°(F). Shipments made outside these conditions are at the sole discretion of the buyer and will not carry a live arrival guarantee. We reserve the right to refuse shipment if we feel doing so would pose significant risk to the animal.
Animals are guaranteed to be properly sexed unless otherwise noted.
We guarantee that all captive bred animals are feeding regularly at the time of sale unless otherwise noted.  Given the many variables, we cannot guarantee that an animal will feed under your care.  All of our snakes are fed appropriately sized live mice and/or rats in their enclosure. On some occasions we will feed frozen/thawed meals, but this is an exception to our usual live feeding policy.