Owner : Michael
Location : Henderson Nevada
Currency : USD
Delivery : Shipping will be done through Ship Your Reptiles. The animals well being is first priority and want to make sure it arrives with as little stress as we possibly can.Shipping will only be done Monday through WednesdayArrival Tuesday through ThursdayShipping will take place to Hubs only at this moment .Package Must be Picked Up within 4 hours of arriving at the Hub for live guarantee.
Store Policy

Live Arrival Guarantee 
All Animals are guaranteed to arrive alive, in good health, Mite Free and correctly sexed.  
If the unfortunate event an animal passes during shipping buyer must contact us within 4 hours of arrival with picture of deceased animal for a Full Refund if All the Terms were met. If there are any issues they will be taken care of on a case by case scenario. 

Payments must be received in full before shipment of animals.

If you would like us to hold an animal, a 25% nonrefundable deposit is required. When holding an animal, we will continue to feed it on its normal routine and continue to take care of it as if it were our own until shipped. Please make sure you're 100% sure you want this animal before placing on hold and send deposit.  

Any questions Feel Free to contact us.